All in Floral Design

Farm Suppers at Kai Kai Farm

Spending a day on Kai Kai Farm in preparation for the first Farm Suppers event was one of those moments that will forever stick with me. The day was spent designing and furnishing the farm alongside some of my favorite people and the evening concluded with delicious farm inspired treats. A day spent on the farm elbow deep in flowers fed my soul, and the evening spent sipping wine and diving into a delicious and gorgeous supper fed those tired feet and happy heart. 

Melissa + Chris | Social House Wedding

The first time Melissa and I met we grabbed a cup of tea and I still remember sitting there and feeling like we had been friends for ages. She's just my kind of girl. We talked about how she met her boyfriend Chris, which was quickly followed up with, "we're not getting engaged anytime soon". Low and behold about two months later I get a text and it's a picture of her finger with a new shiny sapphire and diamond accessory. Chris clearly had other plans. 

Our Midcentury Modern Home Tour

We stumbled upon our house while driving around Lake Worth. We saw an open house sign and went for it. Next thing I knew, we were home owners and I couldn't wait to fill this 1950's gem with unique midcentury modern pieces. After 2 years our home finally feels like a reflection of our style and we were fortunate enough to have Lauren Louise Photography snap a few shots while she was in town.