Farm Suppers at Kai Kai Farm

Spending a day on Kai Kai Farm in preparation for the first Farm Suppers event was one of those moments that will forever stick with me. The day was spent designing and furnishing the farm alongside some of my favorite people and the evening concluded with delicious farm inspired treats. A day spent on the farm elbow deep in flowers fed my soul, and the evening spent sipping wine and diving into a delicious and gorgeous supper fed those tired feet and happy heart. 

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Ashleigh + Ben | Delray Beach Wedding

Ashleigh and Ben traveled to the states from Australia to tie the knot. Ashleigh loved the natural beauty of the oceanside estate, but was also drawn to a neutral and romantic garden style. Romantic, loose and overgrown garden details provided a perfect marriage of seaside + garden. Which, if you ask me, really is the best of both worlds. 

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